How to Fail as a Sales Manager Without Really Trying
There are some important things to know if you are really going to fail successfully. Fortunately, they are easy to learn and to apply, so it should take you no time at all to incorporate them into your sales program. In fact, many sales managers have used some, if not, all of these practices for years. So you should have great confidence that they are tried and true.
Also, the improving economy will greatly assist your efforts. From your top to your bottom performers, many are eager to change jobs. It is only a matter of time before you return to those halcyon days of high voluntary turnover and abundant open position requisitions. The days of endless interviews, exit interviews, and company orientations are just around the corner.
Ah, to enjoy those good times again … when even the most marginal sales performer brought a tear to your eye as they departed the company. Or the excitement you felt with all those unexpected “I-need-to-talk-to-you-I-have-an-opportunity-that-I-just-can’t-pass-up” meetings with your best sales people. Yippee … those days are quickly returning.
So if you really want to achieve the highest turnover, without really trying follow these simple rules:
Rule #1: Hire individuals who don’t have the right aptitude to sell/perform the job – (this is a two-for) not only will that frustrate your sales people, but it also will put the spotlight on you by not achieving overall sales results.
Rule #2: Create a confusing incentive program and compound it with your own low EQ so that you recognize them in a fashion that punishes versus rewards them — this works best to drive high performers out quickly.
Rule #3: Overload your sales people with administrative paperwork so that they have very little time to connect to customers – this also can help build an impenetrable wedge between sales and operations (always fun to stand back and watch the fireworks).
Rule #4: Isolate the sales team so that there is no collaboration and/or no sharing of best practices – many successful sales people need and have strong relationship and networking motivations, by isolating them they will find more reason to leave.
Clearly the above is just a sample of what you can do to fail as a sales manager. There are many more, but these are some of the most powerful.
The key is to leverage the improving economy – your sales people will be less tolerant and will have more options. It will take less effort to drive them out. Your life will be easier and your high turnover results will be amazing.
At Leadership Dynamics, Inc. we are rather contrarian. We like helping our clients get the right people into the right jobs doing the right things. We like building high-performance teams and positive business cultures.
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