Are YOU killing the creativity in your company?
By Nancy L. Clark
Now more than ever our organizations need new ideas, new approaches, and a re-commitment to America’s entrepreneurial drive. As leaders, we need to cultivate it–not kill it! Innovation does not simply occur just because we hired innovators or spent money on creating an innovation room. It is much more than that–we need to find it, support it, protect it, and develop it—not kill it.As a management consultant with more years than I am willing to admit, I continue to be astonished by the innovation killers that thrive in many, if not most, organizations. A majority of these “innovation murders” are committed unintentionally. Regardless, the result is the same—ideas are slaughtered and creativity retreats to the organizational underground.
The good news is that your organization is likely brimming with creative ideas…unfortunately, you and/or your managers may be inadvertently suppressing the creativity. Given today’s economic environment, you can ill afford to limit thinking or new ideas. If your company’s creative “spigot” is not open and flowing freely, why not? And, what is it costing you? The answers may surprise you. To read more go to Are YOU killing the creativity in your company?