
Predictive Index® (PI)

pi_pageOf the job candidates, which one has the greatest probability of success for the job?

  • All interviewed well
  • All have similar education and experience
  • All seem intelligent and knowledgeable
  • Do you know which one to select?

Our clients do

We believe that Predictive Index (PI) is so important and foundational that it deserves its own section.
As one of the few member firms of PI Worldwide, Leadership Dynamics is proud to offer such useful tools/analytics to our clients. Simply – PI is a game changer. Clients all over the world apply PI to improve their business results. From hiring to job design to leadership development to organization design, etc., our clients apply the analytics to achieve goals.

By using a proven, proprietary management system known as the Predictive Index® (PI), we help you get the right person in the right job. Through our experienced, professional consults, we transfer to you and your leadership team the power and the knowledge to recruit and select employees who fit the job and will perform as expected.

PI removes the mystery and frustration out of the selection process.

Who uses the Predictive Index?

  • 10,000+ Companies in 145+ Countries
  • Many of the Fortune 500, Global 500, and the Top 100 Companies to Work For
  • Non-Profit to Government to Commercial to Sport Teams
  • 55,000+ Trained Leaders & Managers
  • Predictive Index is available in 70+ languages plus Braille

Request more information about the Predictive Index »


What is the Predictive Index System?
The proprietary Predictive Index System consists of a powerful combination of assessment, educational training and consulting support. Our unique model of knowledge transfer enables managers to drive organizational performance with accurate data about their people.

What is the foundation of the System?
faq_picThere are two tools or analytics that comprise the key foundation:
The Predictive Index® (PI®) is a scientifically validated behavioral assessment that measures/predicts individual (employee or candidate) workplace behavior.

The Performance Requirement Options™ (PRO) is a diagnostic tool that identifies the behavioral requirements of a specific job, and can be used for any role, at any level, across your organization. The PRO is designed to work in conjunction with the Predictive Index to evaluate the fit between the needs of the job and a person’s natural behavioral tendencies.

How is PI used?
Founded in science and developed for business use, the PI offers a clear understanding of the behavioral needs and drives of the talent in your organization. Applicable throughout the entire employee life cycle of selection, development, and retention, PI is valid, reliable, and free of bias.

More than 10,000 companies use it in more than 145 countries. Global 100 to small businesses to not-for-profit to government agencies — all benefit by using PI, many for more than 20, 25 or 30 years!

Why should I use it?
To achieve real and measurable results in:

  • Hire the right person for the right job (decrease poor hires)
  • Improve retention
  • Lower unwanted/costly turnover
  • Decrease training costs
  • Improve productivity and performance
  • Develop strong leaders
  • Create a positive work culture
  • And much more

Our clients find more effective ways to apply PI to improve their operations!

Is it valid and reliable?
Yes. With more than 60 years of research, testing, and evaluation, we are dedicated to ensuring that PI remains strong and above question. Regular third-party evaluations are done to ensure its validity and reliability (e.g., Harvard Medical School).
The PI is EEOC and ADA compliant. It is not biased towards any protected class — and may be one of the most effective and objective tools you will have to make the best talent decisions.

2016 Open PI Management Workshop Schedule:

  • February 10-11
  • April 6-7
  • July 12-13
  • October 26-27
  • December 7-8

Sign up for a workshop today

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